16. April 2024 Börse Dresden
Dev Day 2017

Augmented Medicine - On Using Kinect and Hololens in medical Research

Have you heard about the Microsoft Kinect Sensor that was published for Xbox some years ago, and that vanished into near oblivion because no one liked the 42th dancing game?
Well, this sensor made it's way into a wide field of research topics and has rising use in medical motion analysis.
In the last years a (rather silent) revolution has been happening in medical research.
The availabilty of low cost virtual reality headsets and new mixed reality devices like Hololens promise even more developments in the near future.
These technologies enable researchers to measure patients at home or in clinical routine, without the need of large laboratories. Even small research groups are now capable of making objective measurements of human motion.
After a short introduction to the current state in medical motion analysis, I'll show you the capabilities of the Kinect Sensor and how to use it - and how it is used. Afterwards I'll give you a glimpse of the future use of Hololens and mixed reality in general.